lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

An Eco-Friendly trend

we have always expressed our feelings through fashion.. we wear it like a mirror, a mirror that shows exactly what we want everyone to know but better..without words.

So now that we are worrying about global warming and the ecology, a new trend arrives, it's called "hyper-realistic nature" and its the perfect mix between new technologic fabrics, energy colors and really interesting prints.

who knows? maybe it will end up opening everyone's eyes before its too late...

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

An Artist With No Limits

When things can't get anymore weirder, I had to do an art research and found a very unique and controversial artist... Orlan, A french artist who is mostly famous for her work with plastic surgery in the 90's, a phase of her work known as "The Reincarnation of Saint-Orlan".

Orlan's goal with these surgeries was to acquire the ideal of beauty as suggested by the men who painted women.

The idea was to have the chin of Botticelli’s Venus, the nose of Jean-Léon Gérôme's Psyche, the lips of François Boucher’s Europa, the eyes of Diana from a sixteenth-century French School of Fontainebleu painting and the forehead of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

Since then, she has been making some portraits and paintings called "Self-Hybridations"

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

In Times of War...

We've never been able to stay away from fashion.. maybe is a vanity thing but we just can't live without it. What better example than the 40's... In times of war, the industry of fashion froze for a while, all the big textile factories closed and became armament factories so the only way for the women to have any contact with fashion was improvising with what they had. For instance, they managed a way of wearing their absent husband's jackets by adapting them to their size, some magazines even had patterns and guides that taught them how to do it.

They also had to figure out a way of using stockings, which back then meant elegance and class but there was simply no way of buying it, they stopped existing for a little while and the women had to use this "liquid stockings" which was basically a cream they had to put on to make everyone believe that you were wearing a real stocking and on top of that they had to draw with a black pencil a thin line on the back of their legs.. you could buy your home kit of "liquid stocking" and do it yourself or go to a special "Salon" and they would do it for you.
Amazing isn't it?

Eyes wide open

Don't you just love going to those fairs, also called flea markets, where you can find anything? from vintage jewelry to vintage cloths, bags, music, pictures, paintings, maps, toys, coins... its like walking between paths full of history and culture. You can find yourself imagining who owned each and every single object that your eyes just couldn't ignore or your hands just couldn't stay away from.

I would say that the best place to go for Serendipitous Finds would be NY's hells kitchen flea market.. with all that mix of culture and history in just one city, I would find it unbelievable if you went there and got back home empty handed.


I don't know about you, but I certainly can't go to the market and pass through the candy aisle without stopping right in front of the chocolate chip cookies. I just stand there, staring.. with a BIG dilemma... Classic chocolate chip cookies? or perhaps with white chocolate chips? or with M&M's? or maybe Oatmeal?.. and finally choose the same one you always choose so you don't regret not taking it home with you... So typical of me.

And to think that the Chocolate chip cookies were invented by accident in 1933, Thank you Ruth Wakefield!.. Can't live without your serendipitous discovery.